Top 10 Best Nursing Apps for Nurses in 2024
In today’s world, technology plays a significant role in our daily lives, including in the healthcare industry. Nursing apps are becoming increasingly popular among nurses, as they provide quick access to valuable resources and information. Here’s a list of some of the most helpful nursing apps that every nurse should consider using.
1. NurseTasks

NurseTasks is a to-do list and reminder app built specifically for nurses. Unlike other generic to-do list apps, NurseTasks makes organizing your patients a breeze, and you’ll never forget another important task again. NurseTasks also helps boost productivity and improve time management skills with performance tracking, making this tool especially useful for nursing students and new nurses.
2. Epocrates

Epocrates provides instant access to drug information, including dosing, interactions, and side effects. Nurses can also use it to check drug prices and insurance coverage, making it a valuable resource in any healthcare setting.
3. MDCalc

MDCalc is a free calculator resource that is invaluable to healthcare providers and nurses for tasks that require complex calculations for decision making.
4. Pill Identifier

How many times have you heard, “It’s that little purple one with the #2 on it?” Enter Pill Identifier from… saving nurses time and sanity.
5. UpToDate

UpToDate is basically wikipedia for medicine… but one that you CAN cite and rely on. All of their articles are current with the latest evidence-based research. You might have access to UpToDate with your school’s library (if you’re a nursing student) or through your health system.
6. Medscape

Medscape is a comprehensive medical app that provides access to news, clinical reference tools, drug information, and continuing education courses. It’s a great resource for nurses who want to stay up-to-date with the latest medical information and research.
7. NurseGrid

NurseGrid is a popular nurse scheduling app that was acquired by HealthStream. Besides being a good calendar app to remember when you’re working, NurseGrid helps nurses coordinate with their coworkers’ schedules and easily swap shifts with manager approval.
8. Google Translate

For more complex conversations, it’s essential to break out the translator phone, but Google Translate is great in a pinch when you just need to have a quick simple interaction with a patient. It’s surprisingly accurate, lets both parties talk in real-time, and it’s free!
9. Calm

Calm aims to improve sleep and mental wellbeing through mindfulness. With nursing burnout on the rise, every nurse could use a little Calm in their life.
10. Incredible Health

Travel nursing is one of the hottest choices for nurses looking to maximize their salary, and Incredible Health is one of the largest networks matching nurses with lucrative job opportunities.
Best Apps for Nursing Students
If you're still in nursing school, check out our list of the best apps for nursing students: